Pisa Bus

Company data of Pisa Bus

The bus charter service Pisa Bus is the outcome of a constructive cooperation between the international tour operator City Tours Europe and coach fleet operators from Pisa, from elsewhere in Italy, from the near countries Umbria, Marche, Liguria, Lazio, and Emilia-Romagna, as well as from entire Europe. Pisa Bus's service offers span efficient reservation of chauffeur-driven vehicles within the boundaries and in the neighbourhood of Pisa and in the conterminous territories. Additionally, Pisa Bus is also prepared to rent out terrific buses for transfers, excursions and tours in Tuscany and in each one of its conterminous territories Lazio, Umbria, Liguria, Marche, and Emilia-Romagna. We are ready to react to your inquiries referring to our bureau and regarding the many thoughtfully chosen bus hire companies with whom we work hand in hand. Feel free to reach out for us at the address .

Regarding the intercontinental bus tour operator City Tours Europe

The sophisticated bus travel operator City Tours Europe is a limited liability company and primarily focusses upon swift pre-booking of local and long distance coaches for sightseeing tours and travel itineraries in Italy, and in any close or distant regions across Europe. City Tours Europe is active in in all the numerous surfaces of Europe and has established seats in the following nations: Germany, Italy, Poland, and Austria.

Bus order in Pisa


Coaches rent in Tuscany



Given below are the corporate notices of City Tours Europe

In case you wish to learn all the decisive facts about City Tours Europe, please proceed to visiting Europe Buses.

Contact details: City Tours Italia s.r.l. (limited liability company with only one associate), Via Goethe 7, I-39012 Merano (BZ), Italy. Phone: +39 393 883 5430. You can reach us by telefax at: +39 0473 42 75 20.

Company management and capital: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and --- (currently none) (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 10.000,00, entirely subscribed and transferred.

Active licenses: Tour operator license n° 36.1/HH/KW/73.04260032 at the tourism authority Bolzano. Liability insurance 110569834 held by UNIPOLSAI ASSICURAZIONI SPA. Member of: hds unione. VAT-ID: 2724090218. Registration number: 2724090218, held by court of Bolzano. Certified electronic mail address for official communication ("PEC"): c i t y t o u r s i t a l i a [@] l e g a l m a i l [.] it. Addressee code for electronic invoices: T9K4ZHO. For a look on our privacy policy, please follow this link. For more detailed information, you can visit the ensuing URL: www.citytours-italy.com.